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Writings Direct Route to Sustainability: Using the Natural Right to Live Sustainably. Petri Dish Called Earth. Transportation and Ecological and Social Sustainability. Our Troubled Science: Why We Are Descending into Dark Ages. Letter to sci-fi writers and fans. Ecologically and Socially Sustainable Education.Paper (Word document). Designing a Sustainable Community. The Natural Right to Live Sustainably:Humans Still Have a Chance.(A draft--in progress.)
Indigenous Hawai'ian CultureandEcological and Social Sustainability. Designing the Future of the Earth Collectively: A Grand Unification of All Science Effected by Making All Available Knowledge Useful for Solving Earth's Problems. Natural Human Rights and Ecological and Social Sustainability. Good Homes, not More Prisons is the Answer. SMART Designing a Lasting World Peace: To Whom This Might Concern. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms vs. the Natural Rights. MAHAYANA: ECOLOGICAL and SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY.