Model Earth
An Invitation
to participate in creating of a
co-operatively, collectively designed, interactive model of an
ideal, ecologically and socially sustainable Earth, a model
that would portray an Earth possessing optimal living
conditions for all those who share it for the purpose of there
being a universal reference that would be helpful in any
projects concerning the future of any social entity--from a
locally based community, to the whole Earth.
Why Model Earth?
It is obvious from reality that the hierarchical forms of
government that are in existence now, no longer can cope with
the increasing magnitude of problems that humanity is forced to
face. Since any attempts, so far, (in the form of reforms,
revolutions, etc.) to improve humankind's lot failed to
achieve any significant results, perhaps a new approach should
be considered.
There are already many people with good ideas about a better
future for a better future actually to start happening, one
could think. However, most of these ideas (on the whole) are
not synchronized, and in many instances these ideas are quite
vague, untested properly against all the other ideas that there
might exist about our collective future, and mostly addressing
only very superficial concerns. Thus, even though it would seem
that a great deal is being done for a better future, on the
whole the situation in the world continues becoming worse. Many
of those ideas are often contrary to each other, and conflicts
might evolve when those ideas are in the state of
realization--something that the model would try prevent by
resolving any possible discrepancies among all such ideas
within the model before any conflicts could develop in reality
with far greater efficiency than , probably, any discourse, or
any diplomatic processes of today could ever accomplish.
It could also be said that a kind of a model of a better Earth
future already exists in the minds of all those who think about
what their future and the future of the world should be like,
but for any expedient and practical purposes this model that
might exist in the general world consciousness is too vague and
is not explicit enough for any clear reference, something that
Model Earth would surpass by being there accessible for any
purposes of reference, discourse, and "round-table"
style discussions.
Model Earth would be co-created by virtually anyone, from
anywhere on Earth, who would like to match one's own ideas
of what his/her ideal future should look like with the ideas of
everyone else; at present a very few people try to co-ordinate
their ideas about their future with the ideas of all others.
This process would not be based on any arbitrary notions,
however, but based on all the knowledge that there would be
available of any pertinent issues involved in the modeling.
From their involvement in the modeling process it would be
obvious to the participants what ideas that they might have
about their future would be viable, and what ideas would not be
so--this interactive model would be the best educational tool
available, addressing participants' ideas in terms of
justifiability with the current state of knowledge and with the
ideas/wishes of all other participants.
The advantage of using this modeling tool over the current way
of deciding the Earth future would lay in its being impartial
and non-partisan--neither suppressing, nor favoring
anyone's ideas over those of others. This model that would
be being created on ongoing basis (because knowledge and ideas
evolve constantly) would be authoritative not because of
possessing any executive authority, but because of its
portraying most realistically what the optimal state of Earth
should be, according to current state of knowledge; influenced
not by any partisan interests, but, based on the realistic
wishes of virtually all who would chose to use this modeling
This modeling tool could be used in arbitrating of conflicts,
it would be impartial, and it would be taking into
consideration the opinions of even those parts of populations
that otherwise would be left out from decision-making
Think of this model as a universal "ombudsman" that
would be authoritative not because of possessing any executive
powers, but authoritative because presenting an Earth with
optimal conditions for life.
This interactive model could co-ordinate the efforts and
enhance the scope of perspective and efficiency of the many
existing groups that aim to improve living on Earth (NGO and
others), and would allow sharing of all of their available
This model would be possible to be created on existing
computers linked by the Internet. The technology that would
allow linking of a virtually unlimited number of computers
together to form a supercomputer already exists (one of the
terms used is "distributed computing"), and would not
demand any outlay of much more than volunteer energy.
There would be a need for volunteers at the start:
* computer specialists to link
all the participants' computers in to a vast
"supercomputer" ("distributed computing"),
and to create the programs that would enable the interaction of
the participants with the model,
* scientists and specialists from
all imaginable fields to connect the model with all the
available data bases that would allow checking of ideas for
viability and that would direct participants to knowledge
pertinent to whichever issue might be involved, and
* a number of organizers to
direct the setup and the development of this project.