(The following reflects author's own understanding of the terms "Mahayana" and "Bodhisattva").
Mahayana is a
view that acknowledges the interconnectedness of all phenomena
across all time and space, and that any one's well-being depends on
the well-being of every other being across all time and all space.
A Bodhisattva is one who strives to realize the ideal of Mahayana, and therefore regards
the well-being of all other beings as important as one's own.
To live ecologically and socially sustainably means to acknowledge
the need of all other beings to live well also.
The need for living ecologically and socially sustainably is
implicit in Mahayana.
Therefore an aspiring Bodhisattva would help all beings, starting with all beings that there are here and now (for only that is there always), to be
mentally and physically optimally well--with no beings favored, with no beings left behind--and therefore an aspiring
Bodhisattva would promote the way of living fully ecologically and
socially sustainably.
The reason that humanity has not become ecologically and socially yet--and that there still is no lasting world peace in evidence--is that we all meditate and pray for different things in this regard.
What is needed is to create a unified idea of what living ecologically and socially, and what a lasting world peace should actually be like, so that we all aim for the same thing!
More on how to unify all the diverse ideas of what what ecologically and socially humanity, and what a lasting world peace should actually be like, please visit ModelEarth.Org, and ModelEarth.Org/peace.html, where I am trying to introduce a concept of designing the future of the Earth collaboratively.
Find, or imagine that there is, a mental space in which all the ideas of what anyone might think that their future should look like would be reconciled with the ideas of all others, so that conflicts in real life would be prevented from occurring.
May all differences, all controversies, and all conflicts that there are in the world among all beings resolve harmlessly by the virtue of all wholesome meditations, all wholesome prayers, all wholesome wishes and intentions; may those differences and conflicts resolve peacefully in models, or/and by using what-so-ever wholesome, expedient, and effective means!
May humans become ecologically and socially fully and truly transparently sustainable (and may they stay so forever!) for their own good, and for the benefit of all those beings who suffer unnecessarily only because of humans!
May we have good sustainable homes for ourselves, all our children, all our families, our friends, and our ohana!
Please dedicate your practice to the optimal benefit of all beings of all three times and ten directions of space, starting here and now on Earth.
Creating Peace
An Invitation
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